Monday, September 17, 2007


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Shih Tzu requires a little more care than some other breeds, and potential owners who are looking for a low maintenance dog should probably choose another breed. Because Shih Tzu snouts are small and borderline nonexistent, drinking water from a bowl often contributes to their seemingly unclean faces. Owners have sometimes avoided this by using water dispensers similar to those found in hamster and rabbit cages. Additionally, if the dog is to drink from a bowl, it is sometimes necessary to keep on eye on them, for water can enter their face-level noses more easily and inhibit breathing. The area around the eyes should be cleaned gently each day, with cotton and warm water. Providing the Shih Tzu with bottled water (or water that does not contain chlorine) helps to keep eye mucus to a minimum.[citation needed] While Shih Tzu are high maintenance regarding grooming and cleaning, they can also be very independent when it comes to play and exercise. Unlike bigger dogs like Golden Retrievers and Labradors, Shih Tzu tend to be quite content when occasionally left alone. Most Shih Tzu enjoy exercising outdoors and, when exercised regularly, have plenty of stamina. Most enjoy a long walk, although they are also quite happy to run around the house. However, owners must remember that they have quite short legs, and so a Shih Tzu’s measure of a long walk is much shorter than ours. They have the potential to tire very easily. A dog whose coat is allowed to grow out needs daily brushing to avoid tangles; a short haircut, also known as a pet trim or puppy cut, avoids this extra level of care. However, since the breed is obviously adapted to a cool climate, letting the coat grow out for the colder seasons is appropriate. Shih Tzu are considered to be brachycephalic (snub-nosed) dogs. As such, they are very sensitive to high temperatures. This is why airlines that ship dogs will not accept them for shipment when temperatures at any point on the planned itinerary exceeds 75 degrees Fahrenheit (24°C) . Additionally, like many other breeds, the claws need close attention. Though this is not specific to Shih Tzu but all small dogs, it is important to note that predators that normally hunt rodents and rabbits will not differentiate between such and a Shih Tzu. When caring for a Shih Tzu, it must not be overlooked that they should not simply be let out with the protection of an electric fence but with its caretaker’s watchful eye. Hawks are not inhibited by fences, either real or electric.

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