Monday, September 17, 2007

House Training Your Shih Tzu Puppy

House Training Your Shih Tzu Puppy


Shih Tzu puppies can be slow to house train but with patience and perseverance you can do it. Puppies need to be taken out at least every two hours and immediately after waking up or resting, after eating and after playing or excitement. Owners need to go out with the puppy, not shut the puppy out alone. Eliminatory behaviour is self-rewarding, but it will help to praise and give rewards for going in the right place.

Watch out for signs that the puppy wants to go when in the house and take the puppy out at once.

If you have to go out or cannot concentrate on the puppy, leave it in a play pen that has a bed and a toilet area. The toilet area should be covered with polythene and newspaper or you can use puppy pads available from pet stores etc.

At night time either take the puppy up to your bedroom and confine it to a small area, getting up to take it out when it wakes, or leave it downstairs in a puppy playpen, getting up to take it out when you hear it make a noise.

Dogs hate to soil their bed/nest so the process of trying to teach your puppy that the whole of the house is your nest should be quite easy

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